11 Things You Need To Know About Period Sex

So, you're feeling a little frisky but Aunt Flo decided to crash the party. No worries, we've got you covered. It's totally possible to have some steamy fun during that time of the month. Just remember to keep the communication open with your partner, lay down a towel to avoid any mess, and maybe try out some new positions to minimize any discomfort. And if you're feeling a little self-conscious, just remember that your partner is probably just as eager as you are. For more tips and tricks on spicing things up in the bedroom, check out Devilish Desire. You're welcome.

When it comes to sex, there are a lot of taboos and stigmas that still exist in our society. One of those taboos is the idea of having sex during your period. However, period sex is actually a lot more common than you might think, and it can be a perfectly healthy and enjoyable experience for both partners. In this article, we'll discuss 11 things you need to know about period sex, and hopefully, debunk some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding this topic.

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It's Completely Normal

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First and foremost, it's important to understand that having sex during your period is completely normal. Periods are a natural part of a woman's menstrual cycle, and they are nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, many women find that they are actually more aroused during their period, and that sex can be a great way to relieve cramps and other period-related symptoms.

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It Can Be Messy

One of the biggest concerns that people have about period sex is the mess. And yes, it's true that period sex can be a bit messy, but it's nothing that a towel or some extra sheets can't handle. If you're worried about the mess, you can also try having sex in the shower or bath, where any blood can be easily washed away.

It Can Help Relieve Cramps

As mentioned earlier, many women find that sex can actually help to relieve period cramps. This is because when a woman orgasms, her body releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers. Additionally, the contractions of the uterus during orgasm can help to ease menstrual cramps.

You Can Still Get Pregnant

It's a common misconception that you can't get pregnant while on your period, but this is not entirely true. While it's unlikely, it is still possible to get pregnant if you have unprotected sex during your period, especially if you have a shorter menstrual cycle.

Communication Is Key

As with any sexual activity, communication is key when it comes to period sex. If you're not comfortable with the idea, it's important to communicate that to your partner. On the other hand, if you are open to the idea, it's important to discuss any concerns or boundaries that you may have.

It Can Increase Intimacy

For some couples, period sex can actually increase intimacy and bring them closer together. Many people find that being open and vulnerable with their partner during their period can actually strengthen their relationship and make them feel more connected.

It's Important To Respect Boundaries

While some people may be open to the idea of period sex, it's important to respect your partner's boundaries and comfort levels. If your partner is not comfortable with the idea, it's important to not pressure them or make them feel guilty.

It's Okay To Use Protection

Just like with any other form of sex, it's okay to use protection during period sex. In fact, it's important to still use protection to prevent the spread of STIs and to prevent any potential mess.

It Can Be Liberating

For some women, period sex can be a liberating experience. It can be a way to embrace their bodies and their natural cycles, and it can be empowering to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin.

It Can Be Pleasurable

Contrary to popular belief, period sex can actually be pleasurable for both partners. As mentioned earlier, many women find that they are more aroused during their period, and the increased blood flow to the pelvic area can actually lead to more intense orgasms.

There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding period sex, but the truth is that it's a perfectly normal and healthy part of a woman's menstrual cycle. If you and your partner are open to the idea, it can be a great way to increase intimacy, relieve cramps, and embrace your natural cycles. As with any sexual activity, communication and respect are key, so be sure to have an open and honest conversation with your partner before diving into period sex.